Jump Break
Jump Break lets you control how much content is indexed
and included in the front-page data allowance.
It may come in handy if your blog entries are very lengthy or contain large images.
To ensure quick loading times and a better user experience, Google applies strict regulations regarding the amount of data allowed on a home page of a Blogger website.
If the number of posts displayed on our Home Page doesn't match the value in your settings, it means that you reached the Blogger home page size limit. You may want to reduce the size of the posts by optimizing your images for the web and by inserting "Jump Break" into the content of your blog entries.
To insert a Jump Break, go to the post editor, place the cursor straight after the first image or the first paragraph and click the "Insert Jump Break" button in the toolbar.
A gray line will mark the Jump Break location.
Alternatively, you can use <!--more-->
to position the jump break in HTML mode.